Plant Production Dashboard

Display dashboards that help plant management and workers better understand the current status, problems, and opportunities available within assembly lines.

This project consists of a redesign of an already existing project. Each of these four displays was already launched through Dynics's custom software ProViewDS. To simplify the deployment process for the plant management, this project was redeveloped into an Angular web app to display on dual 75 inch overhead displays. My role in this was taking the barebones objects that the team's backend developer setup and style the frontend similar to the original layouts to ease the learning curve for plant staff.

Within each display header, any user can view stations near the location of the display board and its current status. The stations' metrics are the actual amount produced versus the scheduled amount that station is expected to produce. The difference is then shown to the right, positive in green and negative in red. Between each station, they can even see the buffers that hold extra parts to keep the line stocked with parts and moving.

The Top Faulted widgets (left) and the Micro Stops widgets (right) share common indicators for downtime.

  • System and station name (above meter) is displayed the location of the fault or micro stop.
  • Background color shows if that station's status is running, down, or cleared.  
  • Gauge color indicates the type of fault or micro stop as manual speed loss, machine speed loss, or availability speed loss.
  • Timer to visualize how long that station has been down (counting up).
  • Total number of stops (micro stops only) is also shown under the timer

The Buffer gauges provide unique metrics for the buffers between stations and the most critical buffers are right aligned.

  • Systems leading into and after that buffer is above the gauge.
  • Capacity actual versus the maximum is over the meter within the gauge widget.  
  • Coloring in both the meter and the actual count text tells the user if the buffer is above critical (green) or below critical (red).
  • Critical level bar sits over the meter element and signifies what the minimum amount is needed from that buffer to prevent the next station from being starved for parts resulting in more downtime.

The PM Opportunity display is the most drastic style change. Many of the blinding gradients were removed and lightened up so the information display is more easily digestible. A simpler, cleaner svg icon to the left tells users that the opportunity shown in the next column is being worked on. The Buffer Runout column provides information about that buffer before the faulted system and its amount of parts feeding that system. The System Faulted column not only shows which system has issues but also its status through coloring: green - cleared,  red - worked on, and white - not worked on. Any additional information about the status can be displayed in the final column.

Note: Data populating these displays is fake and no ghosts or tribbles are currently attacking this plant.